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The young man in the photo is Nong Namo, a boy who’s living in Phang Nga province, in southern Thailand. He was referred to us by  his school. As he hardly attented school any longer. We looked into the situation and learned Namo and his family immediately need support.

Most of the families in our program, have been affected by the HIV-virus. But sometimes people with other needs come in, and when we learn help is really needed, we do not want to turn them down. Such as Namo and his family. When we visited him, we learned he lives together with his parents, in a small shack. They hardly survive and live in poverty, due to the very small pay of his mother’s job. Namo is usually home alone, as his mother works elsewhere, and no one is able to take him to school. They wouldn’t have the financial means anyway to let Namo take the schoolbus or a motorcycle taxi. Money for a school-outfit also isn’t there. It didn’t take us long to concluce that without support, Namo wouldn’t be able to study.

How will we help?

After discussing Namo’s case with his teachers, we decided to go find him a donor, to support all school-related costs. We will do the same thing for Namo’s younger sibling. Regular conversations with mother is also required, as she is reluctant to send her children to school, as she believes they are too poor. We have also directed Namo towards a communicity development center, with after school care. So the young boy doesn’t have to be alone after school hours. Because we aren’t sure if Namo’s parents will use financial support in the right way, we have agreed to send the support directly to the school, who will use this to feed him during breaks, arrange schooloutfits, materials, etc.

We cannot put his life upside down, and turn this family into a thriving family. But ensuring Namo and his younger sibling finish school, will hopefully have a positive impact on their lives and increase the chances of them becoming self-sufficient.