Koi is a 17-year-old girl who lives with her grandmother Noo (1941) in the south of Thailand. Koi's mother died suddenly 7 years ago and unfortunately her father was never in the picture. Grandmother is poor, but Koi works hard to escape from the wheel of poverty. “I know that it is not self-evident that I can go to school.”
Grandma is already old and working is no longer possible. She does receive a government pension, of less than 20 euros per month. The family cannot make ends meet on this. Koi therefore makes snacks, which she sells at local markets and festivals. She also receives school support from Siam-Care. “Without this help, I would have to get up early every day to make snacks. Now I can focus more on my studies. I am very grateful for this, because going to school is not self-evident, I am very aware of that.”
Only one child still alive
Koi's grandmother once had 3 children. Her eldest son died during the tsunami in 2004. Her second child was Koi's mother, who died in 2017 from a lung infection. Her husband (Koi's father) was an alcoholic and left mother before Koi was born. Grandma's only surviving child works as a day laborer and sometimes sends some money. Most months he barely earns enough for his own living. Grandma's husband passed away years ago.
Taking care of grandma
Koi herself is a smart and friendly girl. She is easy to talk to and has a very good relationship with her grandmother. This is the only family member she has left. “I hope to be able to provide for grandma and myself by completing my studies and finding a job. I would like to become a veterinarian. For this I have to study somewhere else, there is no university here in Khao Lak. I don't know yet what will happen to grandma.
Get far
Siam-Care is very involved with Koi and her grandmother. We cover her school costs, such as for a school uniform, materials and travel expenses. As mentioned, Koi herself works hard to contribute as well. We see her get far, and with the help of sponsors like you (who are reading this), this is possible. Thank you for enabling Koi to thrive!