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Almost there: a new car

Thanks to many donors, Siam-Care has a huge positive impact on over a 100 families in Bangkok. Poor families, affected by HIV. We stand next to them and offer a shoulder to cry on. Also we give psychosocial counseling and mediate for access to social welfare and health care. We usually visit families at their homes, so that they feel safe and secure in their own environment. The car that we use to visit families is old and needs to be replaced.

Will you help us buy a new car? It would have a great impact on our work. Without a car, we cannot counsel families and help them stand on their own feet. We would like to buy a Izuzu Dtac. This is a cheap, but good and safe car, which will last for at least 10 years. A Isuzu Dtac costs around 20.000 dollar. we have raised 15.000 dollar already, only need 5000 more. Will you help us out with the last 5000 dollar this week? Without a car we cannot visit our families, so we need to replace it as soon as possible.

You can't change the world, but you can change the world for our families.




€-250 left
€5000 goal
0 sec
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Yes, I will enable Siam-Care to help 100 poor and sick families

Siam-Care accepts donations via all major debit/credit cards, as well as via iDeal for Dutch banking-customers.

Mukdahan Main Office